



She looked at me very closely. "What will it mean to you, Tor-dur-bar, if Vol Daj's body is never recovered?"
"I shall have lost a friend," I said.
"And you will come to Helium to live?"
"I do not know that I shall care to live," I said.
"Why?" she demanded.
"Because there is no place in the world for such a hideous monster as I."
"Do not say that, Tor-dur-bar," she said, kindly. "You are not hideous, because you have a good heart. At first, before I knew you, I thought that you were hideous; but now, my friend, I see only the beauty and nobility of your character."



The Desolate Wastes of the Great Toonolian Marshes over which we passed that night took on a strange, weird beauty and added mystery un the darkness. Their waters reflected the myriad stars which the thin air of Mars reveals; and the passing moons were reflected back from the still lagoons or touched the rocky islets with a soft radiance that transformed them into isles of enchantment. Occasionally, we saw the campfires of savages, and faintly to our ears rose the chanting of barbaric songs and the booming of drums muffled by distance; all punctuated by the scream or bellow of some savage thing.



Her white teeth flashed in a sudden smile. "Now what were you going to say to me when I stopped you?"
"I was going to tell you that I loved you," I replied, "and ask you if there was any hope that you might return my love."
"I scarcely knew Vor Daj," she said; "it was Tor-dur-bar that I learned to love; but now I know the truth that for some time I have guessed, and I realize the sacrifice that you were willing to make for me." She came and put her dear arms about my neck, and for the first time I felt the lips of the woman I loved on mine.



"That was all that I wanted to know, for it was the brain that gave the character and fineness to Tor-dur-bar that I learned to love; and I do not care, Vor Daj, whose brain it was originally. If you do not care to tell me, I shall never ask; but I suspect that it was your own and that you had it transferred to the head of Tor-dur-bar so that you might better protect me from Ay-mad."
"It is my own brain," I said.
"Was, you mean," she laughed; "it is mine now."
