


「でも、きみの髪の毛 − きみのよろい − きみの姿だって、そうは見えないが」
彼女ははなやかに笑った。後になってわかったことだが、それが彼女のおもな魅力の一つであった − すぐに笑うが邪気がないのだ。

"I thought you were a girl," I blurted out.
A fine mouth spread into a smile that reveales strong, white teeth. "I am," she said.
"But your hair - your harness - even your figure belies your claim."
She laughed gaily. That, as I was to find later, was one of her chief charms - that she could laugh so easily, yet never to wound.
"My voice betrayed me," she said. "It is too bad."
"Why is it too bad?" I asked.
"Because you would have felt better with a fighting man as a companion, whereas now you feel that you have only a burden."
"A light one," I replied, recalling how easily I had lifted her to the thoat's back. "But tell me who you are and why you are masquerading as a boy."
"I am a slave girl," she said; "just a slave girl who has run away from her master. Perhaps that will make a difference," she added a little sadly. "Perhaps you will be sorry that you have defended just a slave girl."
"No," I said, "that makes no difference. I, myself, am only a poor padwar, not rich enough to afford a slave. Perhaps you are the one to be sorry that you were not rescued by a rich man."



"And what is your name?" I asked.
"Tavia," she replied. "And what is yours?"
"Tan Hadron of Hastor," I replied.
"It is a nice name," she said. There was a certain boyish frankness about the way she said it that convinced me that she would have been just as quick to tell me had she not liked my name.



Tavia has crossed to us and was standing in silence, looking up into my face. Her eyes were bathed with unshed tears and I saw her lips tremble. "Hadron!" she breathed. "You have come back from the dead. Oh, why did you come? For this time they will make no mistake."
"You know why I came, Tavia," I told her.
"Tell me," she said, very soft and low.
"For Friendship, Tavia," I replied; "for the best friend that a man ever had."
At first she seemed surprised and then an odd little smile curved her lips. "I would rather have the friendship of Hadron of Hastor," she said, "than any other gift the world might give me."
It was a nice thing for her to say and I certainly appreciated it, but I did not understand that little smile.


彼女は涙を拭くと、わたしには見当のつかぬ奇妙な、もの足りなそうな表情を浮かべて、わたしを見た。それから、涙を浮かべて笑った − 前にも見たことがある、あの奇妙なひやかすような小さな笑いで。』(「火星の秘密兵器」創元版P.280〜281。厚木淳訳)

As I sat there on the ground, my head bowed in misery, I felt a soft arm steal about my shoulders and a tender voice spoke close to my ear. "My poor Hadron!"
That was all; but those few words embodied such a wealth of sympathy and understanding that, like some miraculous balm, they soothed the agony of my tortured heart.
No one but Tavia could have spoken them. I turned, and taking one of her little hands in mine, I pressed it to my lips. "Loved friend," I said. "Thanks be to all my ancestors that it was not you."
I do not know what made me say that. The words seemed to speak themselves without my volition, and yet when they were spoken there come to me a sudden realization of the horror that I would have felt had it been Tavia who had betrayed me. I could not even contemplate it without an agony of pain. Impulsively I took her in my arms.
"Tavia," I cried, "promise me that you will never desert me. I could not live without you."
She put her strong young arms about my neck and clung to me. "Never this side of death," she whispered, and then she tore herself from me and I saw that she was weeping.
What a friend! I knew that I could never again love a woman, but what cared I for that if I could have Tavia's friendship for life?
"We shall never part again, Tavia," I said. "If our ancestors are kind and we are permitted to return to Helium, you shall find a home in the house of my father and a mother in my mother."
She dried her eyes and looked at me with a strange wistful expression that I could not fathom, and then, through her tears, she smiled - that odd, quizzical little smile that I had seen before and that I did not understand



"We'll carry the battle to them, Tavia," I whispered. "When they have taken their positions around us, I shall give the word and then I shall rush the one in front of me and try to dispatch him before the others can set upon us. Keep close beside me that they cannot cut you off."
"Shoulder to shoulder until the end," she said.


「さようなら。ハドロン − わたくしのハドロン!」

"Do not let them take me," she said. "It is not death that I fear."
I knew what she meant and I took her in my arms. "I cannot do it, Tavia," I said. "I cannot."
"You must," she replied in a firm voice. "If you care for me even as a friend, you cannot let these beasts take me alive."
I know that I choked then so that I could not reply, but I knew that she was right and I drew my dagger.
"Good-bye, Hadron - my Hadron!"
Her breast was bared to receive my dagger, her face was upturned towards mine. It was still a brave face with no fear upon it, and oh, how beautiful it was.
Impulsively, guided by a power I could not control, I bent and crushed my lips to hers. With half-closed eyes she pressed her own lips upward more tightly against mine.
"Oh, Issus!" she breathed as she took them away, and then, "They come! Strike now, Hadron, and strike deep!"
The creatures were almost at the summit. I swung my hand upward that I might bury the slim dagger deeply in that perfect breast.



"My princess," I whispered.
Upom Barsoom those two words, spoken by man to maid, have a peculiar and unalterable significance, for no man speaks thus to any woman that he does not wish for wife.
"No, no," sobbed Tavia. "Take me, I am yours; but I am only a slave girl. Tan Hadron of Hastor cannot mate with such."
Even then she thought only of me and my happiness, and not of herself at all. How different she was from such as Sanoma Tora! I had risked my life to win a clod of dirt and I had found a priceless jewel.
I looked her in the eyes, those beautiful, fathomless wells of love and understanding. "I love you, Tavia," I said. "Tell me that I may have the right to call you my princess."
"Even though I be a slave?" she asked.
"Even though you were a thousand times less than a slave," I told her.
She sighed and snuggled closer to me. "My chieftain," she whispered in a low, low voice.


「勇敢なハストールのタン・ハドロンは、奴隷の娘を妻に選んだという話を聞きました。しかし、それはまことではありません。あなたのプリンセスは、本当のプリンセスなのです − 国王(ジェド)の孫娘です。わたくしがもしトジャナスに留まっていたなら、この娘は国王(ジェド)の娘になっていたことでしょう」

It was the turn of the Dwar, Kal Tavan, who had been a slave in the palace of Tor Hatan. As he came face to face with Tavia I saw a look of surprise in his eyes.
"Your name is Tavia?" he repeated.
"Yes," she said, "and yours is Tavan. They are similar."
"I do not need to ask from what country you are," he said "You are Tavia of Tjanath."
"How do you know?" she asked.
"Because you are my daughter," he replied. "Tavia is the name your mother gave you. You look like her. By that alone I should have known my daughter anywhere."
Very gently he took her in his arms, and I saw tears in his eyes, and hers too, as he pressed his lips against her forehead, and then he turned to me.
"They told me that the brave Tan Hadron of Hastor had chosen to mate with a slave girl," he said; "but that is not true. Your princess is in truth a princess - the granddaughter of a jed. She might have been the daughter of a jed had I remained in Tjanath."
How devious are the paths of fate! How strange and unexpected the destinations to which they lead! I had set out upon one of these paths with the intention of marrying Sanoma Tora at the end. Sanoma Tora had set out upon another in the hope of marrying a jeddak. At the end of her path she had found only ignominy and disgrace. At the end of mine I had found a princess.
