エース「金星の魔法使」併録「Pirate Blood」について
When Edgar Rice Burroughs died in 1950, it was generally believed that
all his written work had already been published. But, at the time of the
reorganization of Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., in 1963, on the occasion
of taking inventory of the office vaults, a number of original ERB works
were discovered, non of which had ever been published. Among these were
a number of short stories and novelettes, including The Wizard of Venus,
and some novel-length works, of which the following, Pirate Blood, is one.
Pirate Blood was written, according to the author's notation on the first
page of his manuscript, in 1932. It is shorter than the usual Burroughs
novels and bears evidence thereby of being a first draft which was so have
been expanded and filled out more - especially in the action-packed final
half. Why Burroughs did not do so, why he set it aside to work on other
tales and never to return to it, are things we shall never know.
By arrangement with Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc., we are pleased to publish
Pirate Blood here for the first time. We think you will find lots of the
good old Edgar Rice Burroughs zest and zing in the novel, even as it stands,
and we think that ERB's millions of fans will greet it as an Earth adventure
fully as exciting as those of Venus and Mars and other more alien worlds.
Wizard of Venus"を含む、多くの短篇や中篇小説、および、この「海賊の血」"Pirate
"Pirate Blood"が書かれたのは、彼の原稿の最初のページの書き込みによると、1932年のことです。それは通常のバローズの小説よりは短く、それが最初の草稿であり、後日拡張され、膨らまされる―それもアクションの詰め込まれた後半部によって―べきものであったことは明らかです。なぜバローズがそうしなかったか、なぜ他の物語に取りかかる間わきにやられ、再び彼がそれに取りかかることがなかったのか、我々にはもはや知るすべはありません。